Marketing & Advertising

Access a growing network of highly engaged, appreciative, lifestyle-focused consumers who value top-tier dining, wine, cocktail, luxury hotel and travel experiences.

Creating the world’s most curated platform for culinary and hospitality experiences and reservations.



Restaurant Groups


Private Clubs

Financial Institutions

Lifestyle Brands

Beverage Companies

Airlines Hotels Restaurant Groups Publishers Private Clubs Financial Institutions Lifestyle Brands Beverage Companies

Media & Marketing Opportunities

  • Brand Partnerships

    We welcome strategic and commercial partnerships. To date, we have relationships in place with OpenTable, American Express, Lightspeed, Kayak, TorontoLife and others.

  • In-App Placement

    Ranging from hero placement to carousels, banner ads and more, our audience is continually engaged with our highly visual UI and the various opportunities our restaurant, hospitality and brand partners bring to the forefront.

  • Web Placement

    Classic digital marketing, from features to banner ads and everything in between, chat with us about how we can elevate your brand across our website.

  • Email Marketing

    With a massive, growing and highly engaged emailable base, with a click-rate over 40%, work with us to feature and promote various aspects of your business and brand. Emails reach a minimum of 50,000 people.

  • Social Media

    Across two apps we have a quickly growing and highly engaged following.

  • Editorials

    In collaboration with top writers, critics and photographers, work with us to promote your vision and story.

  • Events

    Looking for a high-value audience to attend and appreciate your special culinary or hospitality event? Let DINR do your ticketing and targeting marketing.

  • Special Projects

    Hospitality is a truly unique industry and we’re always interested collaborating or hosting bespoke projects that our partners and audience will appreciate and enjoy.